@article{oai:fcu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000111, author = {上別府, 隆男 and Kamibeppu, Takao}, journal = {都市経営 : 福山市立大学都市経営学部紀要, Urban Management : Bulletin of the Faculty of Urban Management, Fukuyama City University}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 1999年のボローニャ宣言に基づきヨーロッパ高等教育圏の構築を目指して進められてきているボローニャ・プロセスは,西欧,中東欧,そして中央アジアの国々47か国が参加して行われており,学位構造,単位制度,カリキュラムの共通化・標準化を図り,学生の域内移動を容易にして大学間の競争を促し,ヨーロッパの大学の国際競争力を高めることが主眼である.西欧は,ヨーロッパ統合の流れの中でボローニャ・プロセスを進めてきたが,中東欧における旧共産圏・旧ソ連・旧ユーゴスラビアである「移行国」の多くは,冷戦終結後に自由化,民主化,市場化,ヨーロッパ回帰を進めてきた.ここから,ボローニャ・プロセスは単に高等教育改革に留まらず,旧ソ連・現ロシアの影響からの解放という政治的・文化的側面を強く持っている.本稿は,中東欧におけるボローニャ・プロセスの進展状況と課題に関する先行研究のレビューを行い,経験の整理とボローニャ・プロセスの意味・意義について検討を行った. The Bologna Process is currently in progress with 47 participating countries from Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia with an eye towards the establishment of European Higher Education Area. Following the Bologna Declaration adopted in 1999, this process aims at the standardization of degree cycle, credit system, and curriculum which will foster student mobility and inter-university competition, which then would lead to the competitiveness of European universities. Western Europe promoted the Bologna Process within the context of European integration. However, most transitional countries in Central and Eastern Europe (former communist bloc countries, former USSR countries, and former Yugoslavian countries) pursued freedom, democracy and market mechanisms, and re-Europeanization after the end of Cold War. In this sense, these transitional countries treat the Bologna Process as an important avenue for the release from Soviet and Russian influences on their higher education. This article is an attempt to understand the meanings and significance of the political and cultural aspects of the Bologna Process in these transitional countries, based on the literature review on the Bologna implementation.}, pages = {65--73}, title = {中東欧の体制移行国におけるボローニャ・プロセスと高等教育改革}, volume = {8}, year = {2015}, yomi = {カミベップ, タカオ} }