@article{oai:fcu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000023, author = {高橋, 実 and 伊澤, 幸洋 and 今中, 博章 and 中村, 満紀男 and TAKAHASHI, Minoru and IZAWA, Yukihiro and IMANAKA, Hirofumi and NAKAMURA, Makio}, journal = {福山市立大学教育学部研究紀要, Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Fukuyama City University}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The purposes of this investigation were to grasp the special support needs of children in preschool children in A City. And the method of effective childcare support is examined. A total of 902 four or five-year-old class children (about 10% of four or five-year-old population) was investigated. Investigation was executed using a questionnaire interview and the facing interview. The child’s percentages which the teacher mentioned as "worrisome" were 25.1% of four- years-old and 26.2% of five- years-old children. Next, we classified the episode of the behavior "worrisome" for every behavioral trait. It was found out that 27.7% of four-year-old children and 28.8% of five-year-old ones were classified as children with special support needs. We guessed that the behavior trait similar to a developmental disorder which were affected by bringing-up and childcare environment and the true developmental disorder were intermingled. The child’s ratio to need support in the outside was 9.4% of four- years-old, 12.1% of five-years-old. In entering-school the children chose the special support class or instruction classroom were 5.3% of five-years-old children. We discussed the necessity for the improvement of the contents of childcare, and environment which does not actualize a developmental disorder.}, pages = {55--61}, title = {A市の保育所・幼稚園における幼児の特別支援ニーズに関する調査}, volume = {1}, year = {2013}, yomi = {タカハシ, ミノル and イザワ, ユキヒロ and イマナカ, ヒロフミ and ナカムラ, マキオ} }