@article{oai:fcu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000034, author = {近藤, 桂司 and KONDO, Keishi}, journal = {都市経営 : 福山市立大学都市経営学部紀要, Urban Management : Bulletin of the Faculty of Urban Management, Fukuyama City University}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 中心市街地で暮らすには,様々な社会資本が揃っている必要がある.商店だけでなく,学校,病院などが必要である.福山においても中心市街地の空洞化が著しいが,学校や病院などは立地している.店舗の誘致は需要と供給の関係から住民の少ない現状ではすぐには困難である.この局面を打開する鍵が学生であると考えている.移動能力,消費力,労働力を兼ね備えた学生が中心市街地に住むことで,事態は好転するであろう. Living in central city area needs various social overhead capital. Not only stores but schools, hospitals, etc. are required. Also in Fukuyama, hollowing out of the central city area is remarkable. Schools, hospitals, etc. are being located. Attraction of stores is difficult immediately. It is because there are few residents and there is little demand. I think that the key which overcomes this aspect is students. The situation will improve because students who have move capability, consumption power, and workforce live in the central city area.}, pages = {15--22}, title = {学生の居住による中心市街地活性化}, volume = {2}, year = {2013}, yomi = {コンドウ, ケイシ} }